version=3.6c May 7, 2001 README for the SoftCopy Librarian (SCL) V3.6c This supercedes V3.6b. The version on the June 2001 collection kits is V3.6c The version on the March 2001 collection kits is V3.5f. The version on the December 2000 collection kits is V3.5d. The version on the September 2000 collection kits is V3.5c. The version on the June 2000 collection kits is V3.5. The version on the March 2000 collection kits is V3.4. The version on the December 1999 collection kits is V3.3c. Fixes/new function in V3.6c - Support book titles containing a double quote. This fixes an "Unknown keyword" problem when reading a descriptor file that was created after scanning a drive for softcopy files. Fixes/new function in V3.6b - Finally got rid of the random and annoying "setTickLength" exception Fixes/new function in V3.6a - Fixed a bug introduced in V3.5d which listed files as Missing when installing from the Internet. - Fixed ignoring of bkshelf files on OS/390 if the hlq for shelves differed from that of books. - Now using lowercase filenames when sending to the HFS. - Fixes to support recent changes to IBM's Publib server. Fixes/new function in V3.5f - Allow '#' in OS/390 high-level qualifiers Fixes/new function in V3.5e - Removed the confirmation prompt for closing the SCRT, ie when closing the "Transfer files to repository" window. - Removed date-checking when updating the Status column. Now checking is done purely based on the filename. - Moved the \Temp directory so that is now \output\temp. Fixes/new function in V3.5d - Changed method of determining the registered application for opening a file. - When editing a shelf title, clicking the mouse outside of the edit field cancels the operation the same as if Esc was pressed. - Issue SITE AUTORECALL when creating a catalog for OS/390. - Tolerate the new BookManager bookshelf architecture. New shelves will not break the SCL, and the SCL will not corrupt new shelves. Fixes/new function in V3.5c - Added support for "ST" in addition to "ST " within shelves. - In two known shelves, the last book is not transferred because the CRLF is missing on the last line of the shelf. Fixed by including the file even if the BKFLAG=I statement is not found in the shelf. - Changed "Check for Upgrade (Manual)" function to point to the correct html file. Fixes/new function in V3.5b - Added options to switch between CD and Internet sources on the main window. - Fixed a problem where invalid catalogs were created when the same bookshelf is located in multiple locations. Now the extra shelves are ignored. - Changed program icons to be added to Start menu as "private" rather than "common" since not all users have authority to add to common. - Properly report when the limit of 2999 books and shelves on a CD is reached. This limit is usually hit when processing an entire CD tower. - Prevent blank FTP commands from being issued. - Changed "Check for Upgrade" function to work with Cern proxy. Fixes/new function in V3.5a - Additional support for CD towers which show each CD as being a subdirectory underneath the tower's drive letter. Specifying just the tower's drive letter will combine the contents of ALL CD's in the SCRT's Shelves View. Specifying the drive letter and subdirectory name of a CD will process just that one CD. - The program icons were not appearing in the Start menu for non-Administrator id's on NT. Fixed. Fixes/new function in V3.5 - Internet download support. Specify a URL in the "Location of Files to Install" window. (I've removed all the updates from this file which were related to the betas.) - The Maintenance window no longer has items selected when it first appears. - Fixed an old, mysterious problem which once in a blue moon caused a newline character to be inserted into a title, causing problems in the display of titles in the SCRT and when reading catalogs. - Addressed an occasional "Check for Updates (Automatic)" exception by increasing the transfer buffer size. - Fixed a problem allocating space for large files on OS/390. - Fixed Cancel during FTP transfer not deleting partial files. - Correctly update BKSIMDSN statements in shelves when there is no index. Fixes/new function in V3.4c - For an OS/390 Unix System Services repository, editing the title of an installed shelf caused that shelf to be removed from BookServer's display of shelves. This is because after the shelf was updated and transferred back to the host, the permission bits were reset to the system default, denying access of the file to BookServer. Now the SCL returns the permission bits to 666. - Fixed a problem which sometimes caused shelf files to not be saved in the cache. Fixes/new function in V3.4b - Disabled a function under test that I forgot to disable for V3.4a. Fixes/new function in V3.4a - Sometimes books show up as orphans and/or missing when they are neither. This occurs on OS/390 systems when the BKMDSN statements in the shelves come after BKFLAG. Made a change to allow this. - Fixed a problem when all three SMS classes were specified for BKLSHELF. - Re-fixed OS/390 recfm=FBS, which was introduced in V3.2e, but then somehow lost in a later update. Fixes/new function in V3.4 - Renamed the "Unchanged" status to "Not installed". - Improved error reporting when deleting or copying files. - Add a prompt in the Descriptor Tool for the path to the previous CD. When creating a descriptor file to be included on your own CD, now the Descriptor Tool can compare your old CD to the contents of the new CD, and identify New files. Previously, the SCL would only show Unchanged (now Uninstalled) for non-IBM CDs, but now it can also show New if you have a previous CD. Note: you have to do a Custom install to get the Descriptor Tool, but you only need it when creating your own CD to distribution to your customers. - Ported the SCL to OS/2. This does not affect how the SCL works on a Windows platform. Fixes/new function in V3.3c - When creating a catalog, only include .boo, .bks, .bki, and .pdf files - Better handling of corrupted bookshelves; less likely to trap - Removed unnecessary re-prompting when deleting individual files. - Issue the FTP command SITE NOAUTORECALL when deleting shelves in order to prevent waiting for the recall of migrated datasets. Fixes/new function in V3.3b - Sometimes if a CD has very few shelves, the SCL goes away after the user clicks on "Transfer...". This occurs because one of the progress windows was closed before it finished initializing. The offending window has been removed. - Fixed "Help->Check for Updates (Manual)" to point to the correct html page. Fixes/new function in V3.3a - For Interlink's FTPAccess FTP server, issue a SITE HFS command when making the ftp connection. Fixes/new function in V3.3 - Added the ability to automatically check for, download, and install new releases of the SCL. If the automatic process doesn't work, users can still perform a manual check. - Re-order the sequence of ftp commands when transferring files so that user commands specified in Setup are processed after all default SCL commands. Fixes/new function in V3.2f - Modify or delete as necessary the bkmdsn statements in the shelves on Computer Associates cd's. The bkmdsn statements were being retained when uploading the shelves to the OS/390 hfs, which causes a problem for BookServer. Now the statements are removed if the repository is on a pc or in the hfs. Fixes/new function in V3.2e - Updated the User's Guide - Change from FB to FBS for storing books and indexes in OS/390 sequential datasets. This will give a performance boost to BookManager. - Fixed a problem with the Boole & Babbage (BMC) CD of 5/25/99 Fixes/new function in V3.2d - Added a checkbox on the Setup->Location of Files to be Installed window. When checked, the SCL ignores the descriptor file on a cd. This allows the user to ignore a corrupt descriptor. - In Setup for an OS/390 SDS repository, allow "BKLSHELF" to be the datasetname. Previously the user had to specify "filename.BKLSHELF". Fixes/new function in V3.2c - Added Extended vs Multiple selection capability. The choices are available under Options on both the Maintenance and Transfer windows. "Extended selection" works like Windows Explorer, eg you have to hold down Ctrl while selecting other files. "Multiple selection" keeps each file selected until you unselect it. - Fixed a problem that caused filenames ending with numbers to be considered as newer than filenames ending with letters. Fixes in V3.2b - Added support for the Computer Associates April '99 OS/390 CD. When you click on "Transfer softcopy...", a popup window will tell you that the descriptor file contains errors. Click on "Yes", and a new descriptor will be created, allowing you to proceed normally. - Fixed the standalone Descriptor Tool which sometimes retained the drive letter in the descriptor file. Now the drive letter is always removed from the filepaths. Fixes in V3.2a - When setting up an HFS repository, a "/" was added at the end of the books directory, resulting in too many slashes being in the names of the uploaded books. Fixed. Users should check in Setup to make sure their directories do not end with a slash. - Sometimes an internal timeout would occur when doing an ftp connect to the host. Fixed. - Fixed the socket error 10014 which occasionally happened when uploading, caused by using too large of a buffer. Changes in V3.2 - Added a "filter by New/Updated" function to the SCRT menu bar. Selecting this from the menu bar or pressing Ctrl+K will result in the SCRT displaying only New or Updated objects. - Changed the progress indicator so that it doesn't popup on top of non-SCL windows. Fixes in V3.1d - FTP to OS/390 HFS via Interlink's TCPACCESS now works. You need to install Interlink's fix number TP06975 which adds support for the SITE CHMOD command to the FTP server. New function in V3.1d - Descriptor files are now automatically created if they are not found in the \scrt\scrtw directory. When using a non-IBM CD, you no longer have to run the Descriptor Tool first. - Setup for OS/390 sequential datasets has changed greatly. All FTP Site command options are now entered during Setup. This allows the user to specify Site options, such as SMS classes or volumes, per filetype. Also, this allows the SCL to perform automatic transfers without the user entering the same information each time, which fixes an earlier problem with the Edit Shelf Title and Exclude Missing Book functions. - Added icons to the program folder for "Checking for updates" and "Reporting a problem". Fixes in V3.1c: - Clicking on "Maintain the Repository" after uploading files from a March 1999 collection kit causes the SCL to exit after displaying the usual progress messages. Fixed. Fixes in V3.1b: - Computer Associates CDs could not be uploaded with V3.1a. The change in V3.1a to not replace non-standard documents numbers meant that the SCL would not work with some CDs, for example Computer Associates. A different scheme was implemented to handle non-standard docnums, so now these CDs can be processed. - Fixed the SCRT to show "New" or "Unchanged" for shelves not already installed, rather than leaving the status column blank. Fixes in V3.1a: - Previously if the order number fields within a .bks file did not follow the IBM standard of xxxx-xxxx-xx, the order number was replaced with "NA". However, that can cause other problems when a shelf is being searched. So now the order number is not changed, but a non-standard order number might occasionally have unexpected results. - Fixed a problem in V3.1 where canceling while setting up a new repository caused an illegal operation exception. - Added the file EBRSCLW.HTM into the install package. Opening that file provides an easier way to check for and receive updates to the SCL. New functions in V3.1: - Edit bookshelf titles It is already possible to edit bookshelf titles at upload time, and this function is now available from the Shelf View of the Maintenance window. On the main menu, click on "Maintain the Repository". Right-clicking on any shelf shows "Edit Title" on the popup menu. - Excluding missing books You can now exclude a book from a bookshelf so that it no longer appears in the Missing View of the Maintenance window. If there are books that you do want in your repository, you probably want a way to remove that book from the Missing list. Excluding a book sets BKFLAG=X in the bkshelf file from which the book is missing, and excluding an index sets all index fields within the bkshelf to blank. - Support for multiple users The working directory can be changed so that multiple users can share repository definitions, etc. On the main menu, selecting "Setup->Share work files" allows you to specify a shared directory where the SCL will store its files. Each person must install the SCL, but then any of them can send files to and delete files from the repository. There are no authorization checks; all users have access to all functions, but some functions will not be available if someone else is using the SCL at the same time. - Installation enhancements The install program has changed, though most changes are internal. Two additional program icons are created: "User's Guide" and "Uninstall". - Details window enhancements The "Details" window, available by selecting Details in the Maintenance window, has been re-formatted and contains some additional info. Changes for V3.0c - HFS on OS/390 support: When creating the catalog, include files whose name or extension is in lowercase or uppercase. - HFS on OS/390 support: Remove the DSN statements from BKS files - HFS on OS/390 support: Upload with lowercase extensions, eg .bks instead of .BKS Changes for V3.0b: - Fixed a problem when using Interlink's FTPAccess server. An extra copy of the hlq was being added to the beginning of shelf datasetnames when creating the catalog, resulting in the shelves not being found when a download was attempted. (This was broken when adding support for the first bullet under "Changes for V3.0a" :) Changes for V3.0a: - Support extra qualifiers in datasetnames. If the user specifies 'SOFTCOPY' has the hlq containing files, datasets with names such as 'SOFTCOPY.IBM.IEA32B02.BOOK' will be successfully processed. - Fixed an obscure bug which occurs when a user specifies 20 or more hlq's as containing files, yet they attempt to upload to yet another, unspecified hlq. - Additional support for uploading to a non-managed repository on VM where the ftp logon id requires account information. System requirements: - Windows 95 or later. Windows NT 4.0 or later. - 166MHz Pentium or equivalent. Some functions are CPU intensive; if you have 10,000 or more files in your softcopy repository, we recommend a 300MHz CPU. Installation: ebrsclw.exe is an InstallShield executable. Invoke ebrsclw to begin the install program. The latest version of this program will always be available at Uninstallation: "Uninstall" is one of the program shortcuts added on the Start Menu. The default location is Start->Programs->IBM SoftCopy Librarian->Uninstall. Documentation: The SCL User's Guide is available by selecting the "User's Guide" icon on the system Start menu To report problems: - Call the IBM Support Center, 1+800+237+5511 - Tell them the product identifier is 5648-032, and the queue is "sckit,118".