Copy any Model 100, 102 or 200 option ROM with this program. The ARTROM program was invented by EME Systems, Berkeley, CA and used by Club 100 for years to make copies of Model 100, 102 and 200 option ROMs. You will need a Model 100 or 102, a ROM burner, such as the A.R.T. 1, a properly pinned-out cable between your Model 100 and the ROM burner, an Option ROM to duplicate and a 27C256 100 or 150 NS EPROM, or a MOMBO and ROM Burner MOMBO adaptor. Run the program below on your Model 100 to create the .co version. Insert the option ROM you wish to burn in to the option ROM socket on your Model 100. Connect your ROM Burner to your Model 100 and insert a blank EPROM. Run the program and walk away. Once your duplicate ROM is burned, install it into a pin-out carrier, such as an older ROMBO or build your own, or if you used a MOMBO, solder the jumper as described in the MOMBO instructions, insert the duplicate into the computer it is designed for (Model 100/102 or Model 200) and call the ROM from BASIC. Most Model 100/102 ROMs use CALL 63012 or Traveling Software ROMs use CALL 63013,1. The Model 200 call is CALL 61167,2. 1 'creates ARTROM.CO (c)'94 eme systems 2 'rom/xr images to A.R.T. rom burner 4 'Terminal for (S)ettings etc. 5 '(W)rite and (V)erify commands send 6 '32k intel hex image of rom 7 'verify returns 'error' if image bad 8 'F1->F4 select XR4 bank 9 'F5 automates Write & Verify 10 CLS:CLEAR256,62490:PRINT@98,"Wait.." 15 CS=0:FORAD=62490TO62951 20 READD%:POKEAD,D%:CS=CS+D% 25 NEXTAD 30 IFCS<>56602THENBEEP:PRINT"Typo in data!!?":END 35 SAVEM"ARTROM",62490,62951,62490 50 DATA 33,106,245,55,205,230,23,33,153,245 51 DATA 205,162,17,62,27,205,50,110,205,109 52 DATA 109,202,89,244,205,126,109,194,89,244 53 DATA 218,96,245,254,8,194,66,244,62,127 54 DATA 231,71,58,176,244,183,194,147,244,120 55 DATA 205,233,15,254,87,204,170,244,254,86 56 DATA 204,170,244,205,131,114,194,96,245,205 57 DATA 66,114,202,44,244,218,110,244,205,50 58 DATA 110,195,44,244,254,7,202,96,245,254 59 DATA 4,202,112,245,210,44,244,245,7,7 60 DATA 7,246,32,211,128,241,60,246,48,231 61 DATA 205,118,118,62,27,205,50,110,195,44 62 DATA 244,175,50,176,244,120,254,13,194,89 63 DATA 244,205,126,109,194,89,244,218,96,245 64 DATA 231,202,177,244,62,255,50,176,244,201 65 DATA 0,175,50,248,244,33,0,0,17,0 66 DATA 128,205,131,114,218,96,245,58,166,255 67 DATA 254,63,194,216,244,62,27,205,50,110 68 DATA 175,50,170,255,50,118,245,195,44,244 69 DATA 62,58,205,50,110,6,0,14,32,205 70 DATA 73,245,76,205,73,245,77,205,73,245 71 DATA 14,0,205,73,245,205,118,118,124,246 72 DATA 3,254,0,50,248,244,196,164,82,205 73 DATA 48,245,120,47,60,79,205,73,245,200 74 DATA 62,13,205,50,110,62,10,205,50,110 75 DATA 223,194,187,244,62,58,205,50,110,22 76 DATA 5,14,0,205,73,245,21,194,33,245 77 DATA 62,13,205,50,110,195,117,245,205,62 78 DATA 245,205,73,245,35,125,230,31,200,195 79 DATA 48,245,243,62,1,211,232,78,175,211 80 DATA 232,251,201,121,128,71,121,15,15,15 81 DATA 15,205,85,245,121,230,15,198,144,39 82 DATA 206,64,39,195,50,110,205,177,27,175 83 DATA 50,50,249,195,151,87,53,56,78,49 84 DATA 69,0,62,2,50,118,245,62,0,183 85 DATA 202,44,244,61,50,118,245,198,86,245 86 DATA 33,148,245,17,170,255,6,5,205,66 87 DATA 37,241,50,171,255,195,44,244,2,57 88 DATA 0,13,0,27,106,27,89,39,32,27 89 DATA 112,32,88,82,49,32,32,88,82,50 90 DATA 32,32,88,82,51,32,32,88,82,52 91 DATA 32,98,117,114,110,32,32,32,32,32 92 DATA 32,32,32,32,32,32,113,117,105,116 93 DATA 27,113,27,84,11,101,109,101,83,121 94 DATA 115,58,32,65,46,82,46,84,46,32 95 DATA 60,45,45,62,32,84,49,48,50,13 96 DATA 10,0 -eof-